The Truth & Prejudice of Readers Reviews

I have found out that people do not always read your book(s).  A vast number of readers tend to shun a new author and rate their books poorly when it doesn't measure up to a author who have been writing for years.  I say this because it is the truth.  I was sitting amongst a group online readers, all from many different backgrounds and their history of reading ranged in variety.  There was no one set voice that urged, pushed, or pressed the others to concur what they read or heard during that meeting... at least not in the beginning.  It was only a matter of time before my ears were alerted to the prejudice that I never knew existed with a book.  I was floored with the volume of people who participated in that group and they all have a system of how they read; which accounts for how they rate and review. 

Judging A Book By Its Cover 
Does a author have the right to create a cover or have a cover created based on how their writing impacts them?  Does every book have to have someone nude, kissing, bodies entangled, or some devilish look just to sell?  What ever happened to simple but sweet?  How about appealing and to the point?  Better yet, artistic and done with style... you know something that you won't feel bad about leaving on the coffee table if  someone run across it.  I was told that if your book cover is not colorful enough, it will not get picked up no matter how great your story is.  So my questions continued with this group of so called avid readers who claims to know what a good book is.  Don't be surprised if you are friend with one of these people.  They talk the talk and say what you want to hear to avoid being judged or scorned by peers.

New Author No Reviews 
How does a new author go about getting a honest review?  I have heard it all from give away books, do a free online giveaway, just start handing out your paperback copies to anyone you see on the street, and finally let your family/friends read your book.  To a new author those words sound like music to the ears.  Giving away books is a good way to start out, but it would not benefit an author to do such with every person they meet.  The out of pocket expenses for a author in the end is just a hole in their pockets; furthermore, it is hard as heck to get someone to follow through with writing a review.  Most places like amazon won't allow a person to post a review if the book was not purchased via their website or affiliated devices.  According to these cackling women in this online group, a book without reviews or two bad reviews on it means nothing the author writes/creates is worth while.  A few misspelled words will damn the whole book to the pit of hell.  To me an author with no reviews doesn't mean that their work is bad, it just means that the author has not been exposed/promoted enough.  From the mouths of these women, family will not support you and friends will envy you.  This is the one thing that was stated that I agree with.  I am not sure why family want everything you do for free and friends are no different.  I can understand giving away your first book, but every new release you put out is ridiculous.  Don't do it, make them respect you; tell them to buy the book to support you. 

Liar Liar
Hearing what these women had to say really made me feel sad inside.  I learned from this group that an avid reader are prone to rating a new author book from 2 to 4 stars.  You are really lucky to get 3 stars from anyone of these type of readers.  They won't give you enough credit; basically what you are really worth.  Here is the catch to that statement... if you want 4 or 5 stars a new author needs to shovel out of pocket at least $200 plus to do a blog tour, get a review posted on several sites, or just to get acknowledged.  My opinion on this has one word... foolery.  I am not sure of the best way to go about making new friends or finding readers, but there has to be a better way. 

Summing this up, basically what I learned in this online group event is that every reader is a follower and if your work is not in line with others you will not amount to be a best seller.  I am going to remain encouraged and remember that every person is not like these avid readers.  Through hope I will gain and working smart I will earn.

** Turn Your Lonely Nights Into Something More! **

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